Monday, May 9, 2011

Indonesia - Day 9 - May 9, 2011

Day 9 -- May 9
Location: Bandung, Java

Today is Tuesday -- I am finding it hard to keep track of what day of the week it is -- but when I think about it, that probably isn't a function of being on the other side of the world. Half the time I don't know what day it is at home unless I look at a calendar.

This morning our program was "institution" oriented. We visited a museum where the focus was geology, especially as related to volcanos -- many displays and watched a video on Mt. Merapi.

We then went to the site of the African Asian Conference, which I knew little about prior to the presentation and film. All very fascinating, and increased my respect for the determination of so many people -- check it out online. I'm sure there is a lot of information on it out there.

Ambassadors and hosts in front of the flags
of the members of the African Asian Conference.

Then we went to the government offices in Bandung and climbed to the top of a lookout tower that provided a view of the city. Again, all very impressive. The lookout place at the top wasn't just an ordinary stand there and look out platform. There was a glass walled room with nice furniture in the center with an open area all around it. I guess they have "special" meetings there with the city as a back-drop.

On top of the government building, looking out over Bandung.
 Lunch was provided by one of the members of the Bandung FF club at a really neat restaurant. It was located at the top of a building, in the open air. The unusual aspect was that the floor was water with concrete pads for stepping stones, which made aisles to get to your table, which was also on  large slab of concrete. Really kool, with koi swimming all around.

Watch your step!
Great view, good food and fun to watch the koi swimming around us.

SO, that was just the AM!
This afternoon was jam packed too, but everything took place at one location, which was nice. Getting from pt. A to B is a very time consuming process. We were on the road for over an hour winding through traffic this AM.
After lunch we went to an estate that is owned by one of the FF hosts. On the estate was a the main house, a beauty salon, guest house, entertainment center and gorgeous gardens.

In the salon we were all dressed in traditional costumes and our hair was fixed appropriately. Not much fixing came my way relative to hair :). We had lots of fun taking photos. It was very warm and, though my costume was very cute, I felt like I was wrapped in saran wrap. You'll see photos -- we were all so fancy and rather silly.

We lloked so cute, but were roasting!!
 After the photo shoot, we were entertained with traditional dance and music, which was beautiful. They did a really fun activity with us playing instruments too.

These young girls were so graceful.
Years of training in traditional dance.

No years of training -- only minutes, but it was a lot of fun.

Dinner followed and then off to home. MJ says that I stayed awake about 30 seconds after my head hit the pillow.

Long day -- good day.
So far, all is going well relative to being an ED (Exchange Director).
All I can say is "it takes all kinds"
For the most part, it's a good bunch of experience travelers.
More tomorrow.

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