Friday, May 20, 2011

Indonesia - Day 20 - May 20, 2011

Day 20 - May 20
Location: Yogyakarta, Java

Today we went to Gondang Klaten to visit  the Sugar Museum and an active sugar mill. Another fascinating day, but I'm a real sucker for a factory tour, I don't know as though everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.  I always wonder who figures out all the steps required to make something like sugar. And then, how do you take it to scale. It's an amazing process.

There were hundreds of train cars piled high with the sugar canes.

Bags and bags of sugar.


We had a really nice buffet lunch at the sugar mill in a beautiful house that is currently used for parties and receptions --It felt very much like being on a southern plantation. And I suspect that the people working in the mill felt like they were on a southern plantation too, though not from the same perspective.

On the way back to Dr. Adam's office I was dropped off at the Garuda Airlines office to confirm our flight tomorrow back to Bali. The office was crowded and, in case you didn't know, it takes a while to check passports and get the boarding passes for 20 people. Fortunately, a young bi-lingual woman was with me.

I made it back home by 4:00, spent a couple hours resting and re-packing and then we went to the Farewell Party. One of the hosts also hosted the party -- in their home. It was a buffet style, sit-down dinner for 40 people plus entertainment and awards.  Dr. Adam really enjoys doing special things for FF events and people. We each received a certificate for participation and a Yogya key chain that he had had made -- ambassadors and hosts.

Home by 9:30 and finished packing. We leave tomorrow AM early to catch an 8:00 flight.

Me, Dr. Adam, Istri (Siti) and Mary Jane at the farewell party.

Hard to believe that another week has passed. We have seen and done so much. Our experience in Yogya has been totally different than that in Bandung. It's like we visited two different countries.

Time for bed.


Mum/ Nancy

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